I would treat it like a character end game for Starlight. Just like how RD ended up being a member of the Wonderbolts or how Rarity is a successful business pony. Even if not in a romantic sense but more of a career sense too. She’s good at magic so it would only make sense she would pursue and develop what she’s good at. No other pony can challenge Starlight to improve other than Sunburst who, in Twilight’s own words, is the only pony that has the magical knowledge to match Starlight’s magical abilities.
Or you could look at it this way, Starlight could easily end up living with Sunburst in the Crystal Empire to further develop her magic as a series finale. Either that or she turns into a dumb alicorn princess. Between those two choices, which would would you like? Starlight really has nothing going on right now.
Why though? What would it accomplish in-universe?
I would treat it like a character end game for Starlight. Just like how RD ended up being a member of the Wonderbolts or how Rarity is a successful business pony. Even if not in a romantic sense but more of a career sense too. She’s good at magic so it would only make sense she would pursue and develop what she’s good at. No other pony can challenge Starlight to improve other than Sunburst who, in Twilight’s own words, is the only pony that has the magical knowledge to match Starlight’s magical abilities.
Or you could look at it this way, Starlight could easily end up living with Sunburst in the Crystal Empire to further develop her magic as a series finale. Either that or she turns into a dumb alicorn princess. Between those two choices, which would would you like? Starlight really has nothing going on right now.