In Vino Veritas
Proper education, a good sexual infrastructure (easier access to birth control, condoms, etc), and a loosening of sexual taboos would go a long way to change that.
When you restrict, you force it underground. When you get most of your information for porn and peers, you don’t learn. And when you’re forced to feel dirty for what you do, you suppress and repress. All those forces combine to create the situation we’re in now.
Proper education, a good sexual infrastructure (easier access to birth control, condoms, etc), and a loosening of sexual taboos would go a long way to change that.
When you restrict, you force it underground. When you get most of your information for porn and peers, you don’t learn. And when you’re forced to feel dirty for what you do, you suppress and repress. All those forces combine to create the situation we’re in now.