For all the innovation and wonder of the Equestrian way, they are not the only species hard at work striving to improve. Other nations may break into new fields, including one promising zebrican theory upon manipulating organic magic. At least. it was promising until the research facility and a square mile of surrounding forest was transmuted into a thick rubberised swamp.
Reports of Equestrian elements in the area were entirely ludicrous of course, at least, until the clean-up efforts raised signs of arcananotechnology. Then the Zebrican Security Services got to work, and pressure was leaned upon the Equestrians to give a scape-goat.
Is it any wondered that the entity resulting from this mishap - ‘Balata Tatanogus’, named for the rubber trees which gave her latexine form - might take a certain ever so slightly sadistic interest in the Agent whose misdeeds gave it life?