That’s not the exact point I was trying to convey, though I hadn’t considered it being part of a society where people rob and do things that could put others in danger. However, it could be considered a mini-society (for lack of a closer phrase) in order for one to even get like that in the first place; I know I was on Xbox live and frankly, people weren’t always nice there and then when I was someone else (I refuse to call that my identity now) I did the same thing back to them which only intensified it all.
On subject of Ep. 5, I think Gilda was worried and scared of losing R.D. as a friend (and probably believed Pinkie was working on stealing R.D> as a friend - Hear the guitar in the cloud scenes where Pinkie shows up and Gilda looks mad) and partially because of Gilda’s worries, she acted out of that jealousy without regard for Pinkie or Pinkie’s gyrocopter which was part of causing Gilda to temporarily lose R.D. as a friend in the first place; So, that worry became its own self-fulfilling prophecy.
@Background Pony #537F
I really can’t think of a society where wrecking someone’s gyrocopter (while they were flying it), scaring an old woman, or stealing an apple would be looked upon favorably.
On subject of Gilda meeting Rainbow Dash for the first time; It’s easier to love when loved. Have you ever seen a case where someone not loved was capable of giving it? I haven’t. “Oh, how I love Jesus (Christ) because he first loved me…” I literally had a dream the night before posting this where I was being nice to a guy who was at first looking at me with a stern, hateful (maybe?) looking face and the next thing I knew is he was kissing my face like a dog would.
And yeah, Gilda’s first visit to Ponyville was likely also a venture to where she hadn’t been with others outside what little she did know of the town. Not unlike how it would be if any of us were to go to a place foreign to us, really now; I don’t know what a lot of customs are over in Britain, let alone Japan. Gilda the Griffon from Griffonstone going to Ponyville would almost be like me going to Japan and misunderstanding things, if I would. You do know that it’s considered rude by some to slurp soup but in other places it’s thought of as polite and complimentary? Being all judgmental can be rash.
OK, now my contribution… You know that in the first Gilda episode where she’s first seen in the series, Gilda is like “Hey, what’s up?” and then fixed her head-feathers? That struck me as a character who was image-conscious. That could imply that she was worried about her appearance instead of doing it for the joy of it. That was after Junior Speedsters Flight Camp, and most likely after Gilda went back to Griffonstone for a while since her attitude was different in S1Ep5 than at flight camp with Dash.
BTW, I’m real glad that Gilda made another appearance outside of a cameo.
Also, someone in the comments mentioned “revenge on the bullies” - Uh, it doesn’t work that way. If someone were to try doing that the bullies would just be tempted to get angrier and maybe even treat the “avengers” worse, which could cause more revenge, which could cause more revenge, which could… I’ll just stop there. Point being is that you can’t dispel hate with hate because hate grows after its own kind, for lack of a clearer phrase; it’s like a seed. If you want a tomato plant, you plant one or more tomato seeds; you don’t go planting something that isn’t a tomato. So plant love instead which has the capability of not being hate. Going back to an older word here that you may not be familiar with; Love the sinner but hate the sin; E.G. love the jerk but hate their jerkiness! Do be careful that you don’t cause them to attempt ripping you to pieces though, some people get violent when others try to help them - for a while, at least.
@The Smiling Pony
fell less than that this very episode and apparently broke her leg
One of my cousins walked out in front of a gallumphing cow once and she hit him so hard he literally went flying over a pickup truck, but he just got up and dusted himself off and went back to whatever he was doing; same cousin had a horse whip its head around when he went to scratch it behind the ear and it broke his forearm in three places. Bones are just assholes about it sometimes.
jerkass from the start of her intro episode
It baffles me that so many of her fans seem to forget that Gilda was an ass right from the start; if it had just been the party, sure, she’d-a been justified, but seriously, if Pinkie wasn’t effectively immune to physics, wrecking the pedalcopter at altitude would have been fatal. Given what we saw of her janky hometown, it sounds like she got all full up on Magic Horse Friendship in Cloudsdale and then had all the joy and optimism ground out of her when she went back home. There are miles of great fanfic in there.
@The Smiling Pony
As I mentioned in a comment under another image, when she got home Gilda most likely faced taunting from other griffons for taking flying lessons from ponies, or some such. Adding that on to the general crappiness of Griffonstone, and assuming Gilda had some jerkish nature in her to begin with, it’d be easy to see how she could end up the jerkass we meet at the beginning of GtBO.
When Gilda bullied Fluttershy, the kingdom crumbled. Gilda did not know of the prophecy stating that the glory of the Gryphon Kingdom rode on her ability to keep her emotions in check.
Later, when Rainbow Dassh and Pinkie traveled to her home realm, they not only healed the hole in Gilda’s heart, but helped restore an entire empire.
From that day forward, Gilda was known as “Gilda of the Golden Age”, elected to rule over the land.
Later, Rainbow Dash would return. Gryphon and Pony relations were cemented when Gilda took Rainbow to be her Queen Consort, heralding an age of open borders and renewed tolerance.
Gilda was a jerkass from the start of her intro episode, regardless of Pinkie butting in. What I’d be curious to know is why, given she seemed to be Fluttershy 2.0 and instantly made friends with Dash as a kid. Did she slowly turn into a jerk while at the academy? Is being a jerk a species trait? Did she return home between the academy and her intro and absorb the cultural jerkiness of her kind?
But yeah, I’ve always thought of this (S1E5?) As a very sad episode.
Though of course, like everyone I’m biased. I always seem to defend characters rather than accuse them, and it really helps that I find both cats and birds adorable as freak, and Gilda is both :>
@Background Pony #D910
Plus, as a flier, she probably wasn’t nearly as naturally aware of fall risks/damage? Maybe. I suppose it could go either way.
Anyways, something I’d like to point out is that “Griffon the Brush Off” was a very interesting episode…
It had two parts, really. Part 1 was Pinkie and Dash pranking. This set up (A) Pinkie’s friendship with Dash, and also had the moral (B) “some people will get hurt by pranks/can’t handle them”.
Part two of the episode had Gilda.
For that I’ll defer to what Background Pony #CFBD said, but I’d like to add a little.
I think what happened in that episode was a train wreck of a disaster at the party. Ironically enough, I see Gilda as a Fluttershy who, due to her upbringing and circumstances, formed a hard shell to protect herself.
However, one spot she remained sensitive in, is exactly the moral from “B.” In that way, she was sensitive, and her and Fluttershy were the only two characters to be that way, and both had to be defended by Dash at the flight camp.
The difference is, Fluttershy avoids conflict, and if she ever got jealous, did nothing about it - which makes sense, living away from every pony at the edge of town. Gilda, on the other claw, lived in a tough urban environment and learned to deal with conflict by meeting it head-on. In the Griffon kingdom, this made perfect sense as an effective learned response. In Ponyville… Not so much.
It’s also worth mentioning that, as others have stated, her first contact with ponies was a horrible one; so it kind of made sense that she assumed the worst of Pinkie, and had such a distaste for them in general.
@Background Pony #D910
Physics changes depending on the tone of the scene. Alternatively, Pegasi are huge wimps who can’t handle a little fall from the stratosphere.