Pinkie Pie with M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)
Pinkie Pie is a earth pony with bombastic energy that capable to run party anywhere anytime. Have unlimited storage around the Ponyville (S2E20@) that make Her cannot run out of supplies. With full pack of randomness and capable to breaking the fourth wall make her reliable in anyplace. But when she doubting her friends can make everything went dark and turn her into mentally disturbed.
M249 SAW is a legendary gun that was in service of US main weapon and widely used in the U.S. Armed Forces. The weapon was introduced in 1984 after being judged the most effective of a number of candidate weapons to address the lack of automatic firepower in small units. The M249 provides impressive firepower and portability that make this gun can used anywhere, anytime and with full pack of ammunition supplies make this gun effective in combat battle. however this gun is easily jammed and clogged with dirt and sand make it dangerous and goes dark in the middle of the battle.