@Background Pony #BED3
Not just Dragondicks, Anderson himself specifically pointed out who the OC’s belonged to in his annotations.
And he knew exactly what he was doing, considering his surprise that DD’s OC drew more controversy, than David McGuire’s.
On an unrelated not: isn’t it just typical this thing finds a conclusion less than an hour after I write an email, telling IDW I won’t buy any future issues with input from Anderson. That’s 30 minutes I’ll never get back… :/
Well. All I can say is dragondicks shouldn’t have been bragging about it. She was purposefully antagonizing bronies and she fucking well knew it. What did she think was going to happen?
@Background Pony #A6A7
As a fan of the Sonic comics, and even Ken’s issues, I think Ken Penders was even worse… Taking his whole “copyright” fiasco into consideration, which forced Archie/Sega to nearly completely reboot the comic, and get rid of all the Penders’ characters/concepts in the series (and even supposedly ones by other past writers/artists who no longer work on the comic) upsetting many fans who liked them…
(Seriously, I don’t understand why Ken thinks characters who look like Sonic or Knuckles are “copywritten” to himself… As somebody else said he’s the “Professional Chris Chan,” he’s even trying to get his own echidna comic going.)
Not to mention Ken was more openly rude to fans sometimes… I remember on his own website he once took a shot at current Sonic/Megaman writer Ian Flynn stating “Ian and Mike (the editor) are just living off other peoples’ ideas…” (Or in other word’s “Ken’s ideas.”)
Ironic, of Ken to say that considering Sonic was created by three guys in Japan…
@Background Pony #BED3
It all comes down to political agenda for these SJW groups. We, along with many people with hobbies are just tired of these individuals trying to shove their political ideals down our throats. We just want to be left in peace to enjoy our pass time however we like it.
@Background Pony #BED3
We’ve tried reasoning with them and presented facts. You know how that turned out. I just couldn’t bear to see another innocent person fall prey to these “savages” just because something somehow offends them. They are know to pick fights because they have nothing else to do other than to satisfy their social justice war boners with whatever means possible. That includes doxxing, hacking, stealing, sabotage, and harassment to ruin people’s lives. As bad as some people in this fandom and maybe even other communities such as 4Chan can be, they don’t really stupe that low. SJWs do, as proven in this Gamergate conflict.
@Background Pony #BED3
I think I see where you’re coming from, but he really has nobody to blame but himself for being let go. He was in the wrong, not anyone else.
@Background Pony #9BB5
Really, this isn’t eye for an eye or revenge here. This was someone who was doing wrong being punished for it. JJ and Molestia don’t even enter into this equation.
I hate seeing anyone disappointed. Hate the idea that you worked on something you expected to make people happy only for it to screw you over. Even if it was by your own doing I still feel very sorry for you.
@Background Pony #BED3
You’re going to have to elaborate; your posts quite clearly sounded like you were pissed he got fired. I don’t understand what you mean by ‘his work as an artist’.
@Background Pony #BED3
This was hardly “putting effort into it”. Notice how it happened on a monday? We’ve been raging about this over the weekend, when the IDW higher ups weren’t at the office.
It took them not even a day to come to that decision. There was no huge trolling effort on anyone’s part to make that happen. This was a bunch of people who, by telling only the truth, pointed it out to the company higher ups. Then a company executive (or whatever the term would be) took one look at that stuff and said “Holy fuck, we’re firing this guy!” Putting blame on the fanbase for this is like blaming the person who reported a drunk driver to the cops.
I’m actually really glad to see they actually jumped on this thing. You know, that shows they actually care about their customers and their fanbase, and it makes me feel safer knowing I could trust my 10 year old daughter to read their stuff. And, whether you feel bad for the guy or not, he was begging to be fired for behaving like that. He would have been canned eventually anyways; sooner or later his employers would have found out, and it’s best it happened sooner before it did some damage (like say, having the comics cancelled).