Be me
My mare wants Babbehs
She has been good, so I agree to give her Babbehs
I brought in a stud to give her “special huggies”
She has grown bored of waiting, and offers to eat only kibble for three days if I get her some Babbehs, and maybe a Soon-Mummah.
The three days have passed, and she obeyed.
I go out to look for some feral foals.
I get her what I think she would want.
There is Dreamer, a pink earth fillie that I named after a story I just read.
There is Pepperjack, a little red alicorn colt that I am sure was abandoned.
There is twinkle, a sparkly purple unicorn fillie.
There is Bubbles, a light blue Pegasus colt that I swear actually flew for a second.
The Soon-mummah I promised her was a pink unicorn named Candypuff.
Her special friend is an orange unicorn that I don’t know the name of.
I decide to take the rest of the herd’s foals for my mare.
A plate of sketties did the trick.
I have yet to find names for them, so I’m leaving it up to Sparkle(that’s my mare).
At the end of the park I see this.
I immediately punt the green smarty over the park wall.
I realize that this was a bad idea because he would make a great toy for Nikolai.
Sparkle loves all of the foals.
She didn’t even have a problem with the fact that Pepperjack was an alicorn, but maybe that is because she was watching an episode of Babies relating to alicorns.
I go outside to find that the smarty is being raped by Nikolai.
I leave Nikolai to his “enfie-fluffy”
I think this day turned out fine.