Background Pony #1115
@Background Pony #3CE8
Acknowledging is not defending.I’m not going to pretend that telling someone that their behavior is offensive is going to suddenly compel them to stop because that is about as likely to happen as water no longer being wet.
And I never said you shouldn’t criticize them,I told you that they would always exist and eventually you will simply have to deal with them because they will never go away. Cosplayers are also perfectly free to be upset over comments they feel to be offensive but it’s naive to believe that the world will bend over backwards to oblige their wishes because it’s not going to happen. Choices and Consequences
As far how far it goes, it’s up to the webmaster. if the webmaster finds nothing wrong with creepos making their comments, than they’ll stay. As for the Cosplayers website, depending on the format, many have the ability to block those they find unsavory. But once again, they don’t control the outcome once their work is made available to the public. At that point they either deal with it or move on.
Acknowledging is not defending.I’m not going to pretend that telling someone that their behavior is offensive is going to suddenly compel them to stop because that is about as likely to happen as water no longer being wet.
And I never said you shouldn’t criticize them,I told you that they would always exist and eventually you will simply have to deal with them because they will never go away. Cosplayers are also perfectly free to be upset over comments they feel to be offensive but it’s naive to believe that the world will bend over backwards to oblige their wishes because it’s not going to happen. Choices and Consequences
As far how far it goes, it’s up to the webmaster. if the webmaster finds nothing wrong with creepos making their comments, than they’ll stay. As for the Cosplayers website, depending on the format, many have the ability to block those they find unsavory. But once again, they don’t control the outcome once their work is made available to the public. At that point they either deal with it or move on.