Background Pony #1115
@Background Pony #3CE8  
Acknowledging is not defending.I’m not going to pretend that telling someone that their behavior is offensive is going to suddenly compel them to stop because that is about as likely to happen as water no longer being wet.
And I never said you shouldn’t criticize them,I told you that they would always exist and eventually you will simply have to deal with them because they will never go away. Cosplayers are also perfectly free to be upset over comments they feel to be offensive but it’s naive to believe that the world will bend over backwards to oblige their wishes because it’s not going to happen. Choices and Consequences
As far how far it goes, it’s up to the webmaster. if the webmaster finds nothing wrong with creepos making their comments, than they’ll stay. As for the Cosplayers website, depending on the format, many have the ability to block those they find unsavory. But once again, they don’t control the outcome once their work is made available to the public. At that point they either deal with it or move on.
Background Pony #EDA8
@Background Pony #9FD9
But, functionally, you are defending them. By arguing that we ought not critize those making unwanted sexual statements, you make such conduct socially acceptable, while arguing that cosplayers cannot be uncomfortable with sexual attention implies that cosplay is inherently a sexual presentation.
But perhaps this would be a good point to define the boundaries of our arguments; it’s entirely possible that we are simply misunderstanding one another’s positions.
How descriptive, elaborate, or intrusive does a statement have to be before you consider it unacceptable? How far before others are allowed to criticize it? Do these standards change depending on the website on which the photo and comments are hosted (including her personal website)? So on and so forth; you needn’t be exhaustive, and these questions are merely guidelines. I’m just asking what, in general, you are defending and what you think I am opposing.
But that is the issue here; she can, at any time, stop this by quitting. However, the rest of us, who are not engaging in such commentary, enjoy her work and would prefer that she not quit.
Although, I should clarify that, to the best of my knowledge, Helix has not expressed any considerations of quitting, merely that she does not appreciate some of the commentary on her photos. However, by dealing with minor problems, we can prevent greater issues in the future - and this issue is not exclusive to Helix. She’s the subject of discussion at the moment, but this conversation is applicable to many other cosplayers.
I have actually argued in favor of alternative political systems in the past, actually - although, as you no doubt note, I prefer to remain anonymous whenever possible. Not much of a legacy for good or for ill, that way. That said, I am not entirely clear on the relevance of you reference; surely, we don’t want cosplay to be a decision on par with advocating radical social change?
I agree. The ribbon hangs better in that photo.

i personaly liked this one better:  
the others, although great shots, still had too much saturation.
Artist -

AND listen to this man!
Duck - Niggoslav_Kwaczyk
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
A Perfectly Normal Pony - Drinky_Butt
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Muffen-Man The 17-year-old thing. I hate that kind of idiocy about arbitrary numbers by anyone. It just burned me so often that my first tact is to ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! when I see it used in a serious manner.
Plus females on the internet like to use day-under-18-and-below (and heck some idiots even allow them to use this defense all throughout college years too) as a shield to do some of the most skeevy bullshit conceivable even by politician standards (not this one but you-know-who and others before her)
@Background Pony #3CE8 If they’re gonna be that wussy they were probably not cut out for any part of the medium in the first place. Creeping is the least invasive/least offensive of any sort of ‘internet offense’ because it all goes away the moment you knock your profile down. That’s all there is to it. How much ‘creep’ do you think Japanese cosplayers get? And yet THEY ARE STILL COSPLAYING. Americans are just too bubbled away from the real world to deal with creep&criticism, the cornerstones of effective cosplaying.  
How much ‘creep’ do you suppose Yuki Nagato and Black Rock Shooter cosplayers get? Or any other fanservice show or game cosplayers for that matter.  
Now why don’t you try saying you support any political system that isn’t democracy on any web forum anywhere just once, even once. That will now be the first thing people know you by forever. Heck, just say you hate puppies! INESCAPABLE LEGACY  
(actually, just say you like ponies anywhere that doesn’t have ponies yet, lel. Watch the carnage ensue! Especially if there’s a feminist on the board!)
Background Pony #1115
@Background Pony #B0E7  
You forgot one more.
“Evil will always exist”  
And this isn’t a bad attitude, it’s reality. The world is all about choices and consequences. She made a choice, these are the consequences. She either needs to deal with them or move along.
I don’t support the behavior of creepers but neither am I naive. They will always exist and there isn’t anything you can do about it except to take the proper measures to protect yourself when the time comes.
@Background Pony #3CE8  
Once again, Choices and Consequences. These cosplayers should realize the risks of their hobby before they cry about the consequences. And I am not the one preventing her from enjoying her hobby, that burden lies on her shoulders alone.
The fact of pay makes no difference, she chooses to make her work public, therefore she needs to face the consequences that come from making yourself a public figure. Whether or not she has the tools to protect herself from the fallout is her own responsibility.
Background Pony #EDA8
@Background Pony #9FD9
“Accepting the Fact” for many, many cosplayers means “Stopping Cosplaying”. This sort of behavior directly reduces the number of attractive people willing to dress up on your behalf.
She is doing this for her own amusement, which you are directly benefiting from. If your conduct harms that amusement to the point that it is less amusing than, say, playing a few video games instead, she will instead do that. Celebrities and politicians are paid quite well to put up with the downsides. She is not.
But all of that said, it’s not like I’m calling for nobody to comment on her physical features again - such would be futile. I’m saying that you should not be defending such conduct when others point out that she finds it unwanted, as it is reinforcing behavior that is directly harmful to you.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Background Pony #92DA
@Background Pony #9FD9
“Evil will always win, when good does nothing…”
More less, just because it exists and always be around, doesn’t mean people should put up with that shit. Bad attitudes are like disease, one could just accept it or they fight it. Bad attitudes/disease will not go away but it can either be put in its place or allow it to persist. It’s a group and mods’ effort to know some behavior is not welcome and put that shit in check.
Background Pony #1115
@Background Pony #3CE8  
We can wish about how we want the world to be all we want but in the end, the world is what it is. A little common sense will go a long way.
I say that she needs to accept the fact that as a cosplayer who wishes to display her work to the public, she needs to accept the fact that creepers will show up, it’s the price you pay to become a public figure. It’s why celebrities and politicians travel with bodyguards.
Background Pony #EDA8
@Background Pony #9FD9
Such behavior inevitably leads to otherwise talented cosplayers leaving the hobby, however. There’s only so much creeping a person is willing to put up with, especially when that creeping happens on sites that they actually go to, before they decide the negative attention outweighs the satisfaction they’re getting from cosplaying.
A certain amount of such behavior is inevitable, true, especially when the option to post anonymously exists - however, it needn’t be socially condoned. Simply because something cannot be prevented does not mean that it is appropriate.
Background Pony #454A
You know what time it is?  
Artist -

Ah, no. Didn’t.
I thought mods have a way to catch members posing as anons to troll?
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Don’t you know that if you have a name and you agree with a BP, that makes you the BP?
Artist -

Don’t mind me, I just agree with what the man said.
I’m peaceful, lel.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Frowning was supposed to have stopped the fighting but then 9FD9/Lisboa came.
Thread Starter -  Super Smash Bros General Thread

Absent Tactician
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Hey, 9FD9.
Artist -

@Background Pony #9FD9  
Everyone shut up and listen to this man.

@Background Pony #AEC6  
The comment sections pretty much pornhub, what do you expect?

Jesus christ nearly everyone here is missing out on appreciating the other dozen fantastic shots of this radical-tier cosplay.
You casuals sicken me.
@Background Pony #5A90  
Thanks for the giggle m8.
Background Pony #1115
You say that as if they’re concerned with that person’s opinion of them.
Hard Work - Merited Perfect Pony Plot Provider badge with only their own art
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
The Power of Love - Made a piece of artwork loved by 1000 users
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Silver Bit -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony #9FD9  
Still doesn’t mean one is not an asshole for continuing to disregard a person’s wishes.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Don’t mind me, I’m just here admiring an incredibly cute cosplay.