The original Fallout: Equestria is the best of the Pony crossovers, imo. But I’m kind of biased, reading the first few chapters of that is what got me into Pony. I thought to myself “Well, anything that can prompt a crossover this amazing has to be good.” And I was right.
Silent Ponyville series is glorious, the first two capture the true essence of Silent Hill and the psychological terrors that manifest as physical forms of the protagonists’ fears. To this day I have not read any other crossover that is so close to the original source material that it could literally be its own installment in the franchise it is being crossed over with.
The first two are about 20,000 words long, I think. Three is still in progress and hasn’t updated in a while, and the one starring Lance himself - getting exactly what he deserves - is getting to be more than double that. But they’re worth it. Pretty solid crossovers, and deeply psychological. It’s pretty much symbolism for dummies, but it’s well-done.
i might take out the time to read them.
These two venture deep into CompleteMonster territory.