- “Do you think I’m Sexist” Megaphonnic asked in a poll some time back, it took all that time to draw this shit, Not happy with it, This is a result of me having an idea for something , then spending too much time on it not feeling at all bothered by the end of it, and just thinking “Just get this thing done” Just a thing for some girl buds of mine
iconkatputze: ’s Crimmy
:iconstorypony:’s S.P
- Also included are some of my other chums
iconurbancowboy117: Geoff
:iconsketchywolf-13: Sketchy
:iconPonyBerzerker: Crab
:icondaniel-sg: Danny
Naggie Ballscoff and Mal belong to me [Yes I added Marionette from my comic “Hide and Seek”, we need more Goth O.C’s]
So do Fury, FaceAche, Lardarse McLazybollocks, and Jester
Looks half assed, is half assed, sorry guys, still getting out of this lack of artistic enthusiasm thing