Oh I’m not saying he’s wrong to like the episode. I’m saying he’s wrong to call the episode good in any capacity. It’s entirely possible for people to like poor-quality things; after all, I like Sonic Adventure 2 and god knows it’s got a medley of problems. Do I still enjoy the game? Yeah. But I’m never going to call it a well-made game.
You can like something, but saying that it’s good just because you liked it is simply a very poor argument. Quality of the product and whether you liked it or not are two different things.
-People realizing others have different opinions.
-people not being douchebags because others have different opinions
-molestia not being a douchebag hypocrite.
-Molestia stop using self deprecation
I enjoyed it, because I think it’s pretty silly. The best comparison I can think of is the sex scene from Heavy Rain, it’ll be remembered both positivly and negativly, negativly for how it did not achieve what the creators were aiming for, and positivly for being so silly that you end up switching your brain off and just giggle to yourself like an idiot over what you’re seeing.
“– insthinking and his complainers friends actually dominating this thread (top lel)”
I’m tempted to point out the logical fallacy in this, given that I learned about them this semester and it’d be nice to put you in your place, but I won’t. I’m feeling nice today.