You’re getting “I liked it or I didn’t like it” mixed up with good and bad.
Again, Sonic Adventure 2. The stages have enemies that spawn right on top of you and the only way to avoid damage from them is by trial-and-error. It’s possible to fall through the Mystic Melody platforms. Security Hall has a short time limit and is too large of a level to warrant the time limit. That’s unquestionably bad game design.
Now Double Rainboom. There is no story, or even a coherent plot to follow. All the episode is is one pointless reference, meme or tangent after another. Given that the episode was hyped up as “like an actual episode from the show”, the final product’s writing is unquestionably not like the show in the slightest, and that’s bad, since it means they completely missed what they said they were aiming for. Even if they were aiming for a comedy episode, the fact that they essentially loaded it with the lowest form of humor (references and memes that were given no buildup or punchline other than “it’s a meme laugh”), it would be bad writing.
Now for liking and disliking. SA2 has bad game design. But I enjoy the game despite this, because it still feels engaging. Double Rainboom has bad writing. And I didn’t like the episode, because the writing bored me to tears and I couldn’t keep myself interested in watching the show.
Again, it is possible to like things that are badly-designed, badly-made or otherwise bad in the technical and mechanical aspects. But liking them is not a justification for claiming that those bad technical aspects are actually good.
As much as I don’t like the idea of humans in Equestria, or Equestria Girls, etc, how, HOW I tell you, can you not love this scene? I was surprised at just how hilarious seeing humans playing around with Dash was.
And about the ‘episode’ itself…well, even if you didn’t like it, and sure, it had pacing, storyboarding, and writing issues, as well as the characters being sorta…off character quite a bit IMO, but it doesn’t matter. Why sit here hating on something that is so incredible, for the simple reason that it exists. This fandom never creases to make my jaw drop, every single day, and Double Rainboom certainly is no exception. Does that mean you have to think it’s perfect? Of course not, it’s bound to have flaws, but outright hating on it is…mind boggling to me. That’s the great thing about fandom, and this fandom especially: you can do whatever you want with it, and no one has to like it or approve of it for it to be made! You don’t have to be totally restrained by how the ‘official’ show is presented, if you don’t want to. And it’s not like it has an effect on the show, so there’s no point comparing it too much.
Anyways, rant over. Guess what I’m trying to say is that whatever you think of it, that doesn’t stop the fact that it’s a pretty historic moment (first fully made fan-made episode of ANYTHING), and an incredible accomplishment by everyone who worked on it. Constructive criticism, and not just blindly loving stuff is good. Being jaded about it though,is…something I hope not many people do. Whatever I thought of it…doesn’t really matter. Right now, I would just say a huge kudos to the entire crew of DRB, for having the motivation and eagerness to do something this big, and for putting so many hundreds of hours into it. Thanks for making DRB! :)
love make you evil, i am trying to imagine what would happen if Shaoran gets killed in front of Sakura, i suppose she would go god levels mad and becomes an avatar of magic so powerful that not even the elements, all the alicorns or discord can stop her.