The moment Gilda registers that Celestia is in control of the sun, she recalls a particularly embarrassing distracted flying event that resulted in her soaring straight into a tree. Of course her blame is misdirected, if not by a couple of degrees… the wild sun in the sky that she recalls was actually Twilight’s fault around the time of the Season 4 finale, when she was used as a living Energizer Alicorn battery and had to learn to control it “on the fly”, so to speak. Twilight does her best not to say anything as Celestia seems to have her covered.
Happy 11th Birthday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! I’ve missed these events all the years the show was running due to some random IRL event going on… and the same thing nearly happened this year, BUT I just stayed up all night and whipped up this piece in spite of it! Woooo!
I had a ton of fun with Celestia, especially, and was able to test out a slew of my masking techniques to do up her mane. I decided that she’d probably bundle her flowing mane up so as to not cover/block the chalkboard or otherwise be a distraction during the lesson. Twilight never anticipated any of the students being angry at basic astronomy… but she has also never really interacted with Gilda directly, so she had no idea what to expect. Imagine a pair of guards peeking in through the door when they hear Gilda’s accusation, themselves wondering why the sun seemed to go crazy that one day they lost all their magic.
Happy to finally be able to participate in one of these. It seems the stars aligned and gave me the motivation I needed to get this done right on time. You’ve all been great and I hope we continue along for another 11! Maybe! Who knows, I just know that I still love this universe and all its awesome characters, gonna keep making art of them as long as I’m able. Let’s celebrate FiM’s 11th by keeping it really classy, ponefriends ;)