Beeg Sunny Derg 04
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had the idea of trying to use the legendary Staff of Sacanas to absorb whatever magic is running amok on Sunny. Not a bad plan, considering the Staff’s impressive abilities. It DID once absorb the energy of all four princesses, after all.
Except it didn’t work. Without Sunny even doing anything, SHE wound up absorbing Staff’s magic! ALL of it! Now the artifact is nothing but a charred stick, and Sunset herself has grown even bigger and more powerful by several orders of magnitude! She even regained the full use of her magic! On a phenomenal scale, no less!
Of course, being so big and heavy does pose some problems. Fortunately, it’s nothing some quick thinking and good old fashioned magic can’t fix. A self-levitation spell to take the stress off the planet, the typical magics for surviving in space, all that good stuff. Combine this with Sunset inheriting the Staff’s formidable powers of restoration, and honestly, there’s really not much of a problem. So what if a titanic, still-growing dragon is now occupying the entirety of the horizon? Twilight is just a worrywart, that’s all.
Next: TBD