Last of the Major Arcana, the World represents (appropriately enough) completion, as well as travel and integration. Reversed, it represents seeking personal closure, shortcuts, and detours. Dinky Doo is the daughter of the Doctor and a friend of the TARDIS, a traveler in time and space.
Dinky here looks back to the past, but moves into the future. She has her horn and a sonic screwdriver, representing two wands – the Magician held only one, but what she started has now been brought to fruition. The laurel wreath is emblematic of victory, and the four spheres in the corners (Sun, Earth, Moon, and Time Vortex, counterclockwise from upper right) are representative of the four elements (fire, earth, water, and air, respectively). They are there as landmarks to guide the traveler along her path. The wings on her back are also emblematic of free travel, and I made them TARDIS blue because reasons.