Mulberry takes a quick peek out the door of the smokehouse to see if the coast is clear, and then turns back and lights the fuse.
She then charges out the door, only slowing down when there is a large, earth shaking explosion, followed by two more. She doesn’t decrease her speed of her own accord however.
Even some hundred feet away or so from the building she can feel a bit of the sound and heat from the blast, and she finds walking in an unintended half-crouch from the tremors, nearly dropping the staff she was carrying. She forces herself shakily through the general store door using the giant horn as a crutch, closes the door, locks it, and then falls onto her back.
She realizes she is breathing heavily and sweating, and she wipes her brow. She then freezes as she hears a commotion outside. It sounds like ponies running and yelling out incomprehensible things.
When she regains her composure she climbs back up to Antoine’s and looks at the orb. Nearly all the red dots on the map are gathered around a new addition to the map. A large crater where the smokehouse used to be.