I need to get out this idea or it’ll eat me inside.
Remember that cameo if Pinkie Pie’s clone that survived? I remember.
AAaaaand since I’m little salty about season finale, I’m going to make my own Pinkie Pie with blackjack and hookers…kinda literally.
Pinkie Pie’s clone tried to keep her distance between mane six, but with time, and expansion of magic map, it became almost impossible. They were everywhere! Even in the farest places of Equestria, completing their friendship missions and stuff. It didn’t help that Elements of Harmony became even more popular, and it was hard to hide while looking as one of them. Pinkie Clone needed help…and a friend.
She found both in cunning con-artist, named Capper. Although his motives wasn’t really “pure” at the beggining, he slowely, grew fond of Pinkie’s twin, discovering more and more of her individual personality. Pinkie’s Clone renamed herself as Rose Gold, and became a traveling fortune-teller, with her new best friend. She found herself pretty good at it, but unfortunately, still had to cover her cutie mark. Now Capper and Rose are traveling through Equestria, with little more courage, since now they are in this together.
They end up with having 6 kitty kids btw~