Page 769 - Doom Neigh-er
Man, it feels weird to set up a Saturday comic and not have to worry about adding link templates for when the campaign podcast goes up (or worrying about explaining why it’s not coming, when applicable).
What comes next is rest, retrospection, and then planning out what the “next thing” is. Because I like having a game to share with all of you, so I don’t want to keep you waiting. That said… I’ve been running a game for two and a half years. I’m taking a couple of weeks off, darnit.
Rarity: They seem well-rested. Now might be the time to ask.
Fluttershy: If you say so… Breezies, could–
Rainbow Dash: Hold it, I just got a brilliant idea. Lemme set it up so it feels natural and you get the maximum circumstance bonus. <ahem> FLUTTERSHY! Pegasi are falling out of the sky and we’re running out of water! Please, Fluttershy! PLEASE ask them to spare some magical pollen! We’re DOOO-hOOO-hOOOMED!
Applejack: …And the Oscar goes to…
Fluttershy: Um… Sure. I translate most of that and ask if they can spare any–
Breezie: Okay.
Rainbow Dash: “Okay”?
Fluttershy: “Okay”?
Seabreeze: “OKAY”?!?