>Taku realizes she has made a terrible mistake asking that question.
>“I see…” She says before downing some soda.
>The rest of your meal is eaten in silence.
>The silence continues into your travels.
>This is rather awkward.
>You feel like you should say something, and it seems Moonie also thinks she should say something.
>So she does. “Look… Like it or not we’re stuck together… So… I guess… a truce for the time being?”
>Damnit, of course she’d beat you to being the mature one.
>“I don’t see why not” you reply.
>After agreeing you go back to your silent travels.
>The only thing preventing absolute silence is the distant ringing of the bell.
>You seem to be drawing closer, it seems as if it’s making it’s way towards you.
>You begin to wonder what the bell is.
>Hopefully it’s something to bring everypony back, or at least help you figure out where they all went.
>“So… You guys said everypony else just disappeared… How exactly did that go down?” Moonie asks.
>“You didn’t notice being the only pony in the library?” Taku asks.
>Moonie shakes her head. “I don’t really pay attention to other ponies when I’m studying. They could burst into flames and I wouldn’t notice.”
>“Well, they just disappeared. That’s about it really” Taku says.
>“There wasn’t widespread panic? no alarms?” Moonie asks.
>“Nope, they either didn’t notice or they didn’t care.” You say.
>“Didn’t notice or didn’t care?!” Moonie repeats.
>Taku nods.
>“So it didn’t happen all at once?” Moonie asks.
>“No… for me it started when I noticed this mare disappeared leaving her son alone on the train and he didn’t seem bothered by it. Then Slowly I noticed ponies would disappear when they left my vision.” You explain.
>Moonie seems like she’s trying to figure out what this all means.
>“That’s why we were at the library, we were trying to see if it was some weird magical phenomena” Taku says.
>“Don’t think there is enough magic in all of Equestria from something like this” Moonie replies.