That Little Faggot with the Earring and the Makeup
[bq="Spike_Lover"]) "
> [@DiscipleOfAndrewRyan":](/1800550#comment_7386453
[bq="DiscipleOfAndrewRyan"]) "
> > [@Background Pony #AA6B":](/1800550#comment_7385430
> > I'd understand that statement if Sunset had been around since the FIM series premiere. but she wasn't, now was she?
> >
> Nether was Starlight Glimmer she appeared in the shows 5th season and sunset was around when EQG first began so you're logic is flawed![/bq]
hey, I am not the one who said “EqG is better than FIM because Sunset,” now am I??
and for the record, I wouldn't say “_Friendship Is Magic_ is bq]etter "because my Glim Glam is in it!!”, even if I wanted to.
> [@DiscipleOfAndrewRyan":](/1800550#comment_7386453
[bq="DiscipleOfAndrewRyan"]) "
> > [@Background Pony #AA6B":](/1800550#comment_7385430
> > besides, what does she add to EqG that FIM doesn't have?[/bq]
> She Added A different dienamic to the franchise for being the first character added as a seventh member of the mane 6 she was also Celestia's student before twilight sunset adds alot to EQG.[/bq]
Spike and Starlight Glimmer and are technically seventh and eighth members of the Mane Six, respectively, but they're supporting characters, not a spotlight-stealer. and Twilight Sparkle was a former student of Princess Celestia... who graduated, and has her place in Equestria as the Princess of Friendship. **so that doesn't answer my question.** I want to know what Sunset does in EqG that **HASN'T** already been done in FIM.
Entry Of The Chameleons
> [@DiscipleOfAndrewRyan
> > [@Background Pony #AA6B
> > I'd understand that statement if Sunset had been around since the FIM series premiere. but she wasn't, now was she?
> >
> Nether was Starlight Glimmer she appeared in the shows 5th season and sunset was around when EQG first began so you're logic is flawed!
hey, I am not the one who said “EqG is better than FIM because Sunset,” now am I??
and for the record, I wouldn't say “_Friendship Is Magic_ is b
> [@DiscipleOfAndrewRyan
> > [@Background Pony #AA6B
> > besides, what does she add to EqG that FIM doesn't have?
> She Added A different dienamic to the franchise for being the first character added as a seventh member of the mane 6 she was also Celestia's student before twilight sunset adds alot to EQG.
Spike and Starlight Glimmer and are technically seventh and eighth members of the Mane Six, respectively, but they're supporting characters, not a spotlight-stealer. and Twilight Sparkle was a former student of Princess Celestia... who graduated, and has her place in Equestria as the Princess of Friendship. **so that doesn't answer my question.** I want to know what Sunset does in EqG that **HASN'T** already been done in FIM.