Background Pony #8F38
[@Background Pony #E4D0":](/1800550#comment_7368908
[bq="Background) Pony
>#E4D0"] >+__op is a duck+__ tag
> Ok, how am I just a being a duck or trying to start shit?
> Jesus, it's just an opinion and my personal preferences.
> Butthurt much?
> **Have a thicker skin ffs.**
[bq="Ihhh"]) "
> [@Havock":](/1800550#comment_7383925
> I may be a duck, but my opinions are usually positive. Most of my duckery is trolling.[/bq]
Your and the fandom's logic:
Negative opinions = Duckery
[@Background Pony #E4D0
> Ok, how am I just a being a duck or trying to start shit?
> Jesus, it's just an opinion and my personal preferences.
> Butthurt much?
> **Have a thicker skin ffs.**
> [@Havock
> I may be a duck, but my opinions are usually positive. Most of my duckery is trolling.
Your and the fandom's logic:
Negative opinions = Duckery