Background Pony #29FD
"[@Background Pony #3BA4":](/1777370#comment_7292114
Okay assuming you're actually this dense and not trolling I'll at least humor you with things off the top of my head.
[bq="Background Pony
>#3BA4"]Trixie does magic tricks, not fake stage effects. Every spell she used was real and not just something visual.[/bq]
1.) She can't teleport, she relies on smoke bombs to vanish running off. 100% fake and the fucking definition of "smoke and mirrors" and she's used it consistently from season one to current.
2.) She can't even inflict damage via magic. When she lost the alicorn amulet boost (so just having her normal base magic) the best she could do was tickle Rainbow Dash when her intention was severely hurting Dash.
3.) She would've died had Glimmer not used her magic to save her when she tried the Manticore cannonball trick.
4.) Her failings in the "All Bottled up' episode.
So yes her magic skills aren't even basic despite actually trying to make a career off of it and she uses props and tricks to give the ILLUSION of magic.
Without her props no one would see a magician that nearly every unicorn in Equestria can replicate or do better.
You got your response, have the last word. I'm done reading and replying to your drivel. Cya~"
Okay assuming you're actually this dense and not trolling I'll at least humor you with things off the top of my head.
1.) She can't teleport, she relies on smoke bombs to vanish running off. 100% fake and the fucking definition of "smoke and mirrors" and she's used it consistently from season one to current.
2.) She can't even inflict damage via magic. When she lost the alicorn amulet boost (so just having her normal base magic) the best she could do was tickle Rainbow Dash when her intention was severely hurting Dash.
3.) She would've died had Glimmer not used her magic to save her when she tried the Manticore cannonball trick.
4.) Her failings in the "All Bottled up' episode.
So yes her magic skills aren't even basic despite actually trying to make a career off of it and she uses props and tricks to give the ILLUSION of magic.
You got your response, have the last word. I'm done reading and replying to your drivel. Cya~"