Princess Twilight Aura Sparkle Breeze
Title: The Princess of Friendship
Species: Alicorn
Gender: Female
Build: Tall, Athletic, & Nimble
Special Talent: Magic, Making Friends
Occupation: Princess, Friendship School Headmistress and Teacher
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Married
Special Some-Pony: Prince Zephyr Breeze
Children: TBA
Short Bio:
After Twilight had managed to build and start her school of friendship, she began to fall into a slight depression when the sudden realization of being alone hit her. She noticed all of her closest friends were getting their lives together, being teachers and what not, of course their lives were sure to take off. Of course she was very happy for her friends, but she herself needed to find her true purpose, not that being a the Princess of Friendship wasn’t a great thing of course! She just couldn’t help but feel like her life was desperately needing something. She consulted with Applejack about taking a short vacation to travel Equestria to find what she was looking for, and Applejack whole heartedly agreed and helped Twilight pack her bags. The next morning, Twilight set off on her adventure, her friends waving her off.
A couple of weeks had went by, and Twilight stumbled across a small B&B out the outskirts of Manehatten and decided to settle in for the night. As she booked herself into her room, she noticed the unicorn taking her information and bits kept staring at her mane. Twilight blushes, and after a few more moments of awkward silence between them, she finally asked the mare why she was staring at her mane. The mare apologized for seeming rude, but said that her mane seemed a bit… ‘dead’ and could really use a new look. Twilight, curious as always, asked the mare for suggestions and the mare gave her a card with the name of a mane stylist, not too far from the B&B she was staying in. Happily, Twilight smiled, paid for her room, placed her things into her room, grabbed her saddle bag, and headed for the salon.
Once inside, she looked around, amazed by what she saw. The room was so colorful, so vibrant, so bouncy with the rhythm of music, which made her smile. She trotted over to the counted and paid for a mane cut. The mare at the counter smiled joyfully at her and escorted her to a chair.
Salon Clerk: “Here Princess, please take a seat! Our BEST stylist will be with you shortly!”
Moments passed, and soon, a teal pegasus come out from behind a curtain and began to dance with combs in his wings.
???: “Hoo haa! Alright ladies! Which of you lllllucky mares is getting their mane styled by the one, the only! Ze~~…”
He paused in his tracks, noticing who was sitting in his chair and gulped.
???: “P-Princess Twilight?!”
Twilight jolted up and blushed.
Twilight: “Z-Zephyr? You’re the best stylist in Manehatten?!”
Zephyr scoffed, as if insulted.
Zephyr Breeze: “Well DUH, although it took a lot of boring classes to get here…”
Twilight blushed and gasped a bit, taken back.
Twilight: “Wow, you actually did it! I-I’m very proud of you Zephyr!”
Zephyr blushed himself and chuckled it off, trotting over to the chair.
Zephyr: “Heh, yeah yeah, now let’s give you that mane cut hm? Maybe after you decide rather or not you want to banish me to the moon after it’s finished, we can catch up over some tea?”
Twilight giggled and sat in the chair, looking at the mirror in front of her, seeing Zephyr’s face, making her blush even brighter, she nodded and looked down a bit, shyly.
Twilight: “Hmhm, of course Zephyr, I’d like that.”
Months of dating after, the two were engaged and Twilight returned to teaching full time at the school of friendship, and after a few years of hard work and dedication, her and Zephyr were married. When Twilight chose to add Zephyr’s last name to hers, she became known as Princess Twilight Aura Sparkle Breeze.
Wow that took forever… sheesh..
Anyway here she is!
Princess Twilight Aura Sparkle Breeze!
Lol, I kinda imagine Zephyr with a “Johnny Bravo” type personality. xD
Let me know what you think of her!
Art squeakshimi