Did I hear someone make a request for less sunlight? Well you have come to just the right gryphon my friends, with my new industrial partner ponies nods to two stallions in vaudeville striped shirts and my contacts with the NLR, we have come up with the PERFECT invention.
Now you shall have the blessed coolness of the night, for as long as you like! RAAAISE THE SUN SHIELD!!!
…And you won’t see that blasted sun again, until you pay the daily tribute, either!
Soooo WHO would like to chip in their bits before the last apple harvest of the year, eh?
Now you shall have the blessed coolness of the night, for as long as you like! RAAAISE THE SUN SHIELD!!!
…And you won’t see that blasted sun again, until you pay the daily tribute, either!
Soooo WHO would like to chip in their bits before the last apple harvest of the year, eh?