Wat? Did Pinkie just hit the reset button? Your master plan is “PUSH EVERYTHING AT ONCE?”
…I must admit, that’s a good plan. :v
Now I know how she’ll pull off tomorrows episode! …Good thing 0particle isn’t here, ONOES SPOILERS!
Wait….NOOOOO I just sold those gemstones for so many bits! >:| At least my piano ponies are alive again.
But…17700 bits from those alone! I could have bought out the mayor!
…Hey wait, this mountain has a perfectly rectangular bottom…wonder what would happen if I put treads on this….
With a heart full of righteousness I lay my hand on the triforce, causing it to grant my wish. It then transforms the world back to the way it was before this crisis.
Princess Luna and Molestia are back in Canterlot hanging out at the castle, with Molly playing violent video games to vent her anger.
Applejack is back at Sweet Apple Acres, bucking trees and working with her siblings.
Zombie_Trotsky is able to use his legs again and is having some coffee with BronyHeresy at SugarCube Corner
Everyone else is there to congratulate Trotsky on regaining use of his legs with a party. I am there too of course.
Niggoslav is back in the griffon kingdom, living with his horrid mother, still trying to come up with a way to make the world conform to his perfect image, but still failing.
And finally, light shines down upon a gravestone in a forest vista. It says “Here lies Trotsky’s Virginity. Brutally slain by Molestia. She’s awfully sorry.”