I was hesitant to buy the sixpack with Sunset Shimmer and Starlight or the Sunset Shimmer Sushi Truck, in the end I decided on the Sushi Truck, at first I thought it would be as generic as many of Hasbro’s figures, but I was wrong, not only It fulfilled what I expected but it exceeded my expectations, I have been collecting different figures of various types and series for a long time, but this playset is the first that meets the quality to collect in all senses, the details of this playset make me think that Was the object of Hasbro, even the cords that were fastening to the truck were painted red and made of rice paper, it is simply very detailed:
First of all, the packaging comes to be disassembled without breaking it, then one begins to realize that all the pieces were placed with great care, in addition that the details of both the figure of Sunset Shimmer and the Sushi Truck are made with A lot of quality, in the figure of Sunset a lot of the painting was done by hand, in fact is what I noticed when selecting the set because in the blonde hair lines and details of the apron, feet, face, in each figure was different, I I chose one that was seen to have been painted by someone with more experience.
The second is the details of the truck, even the veins to simulate the wood are very well made, the shades of paint, the details of the lanterns, even the wheel where turn the dishes has very well achieved details, the tablecloths adorned in the roof, the front, the whole truck is armed with several pieces, I that I have chibis from Japan I must say that Hasbro in this playset came very close to several of them, in all the extension of the word is a very collectible product and which passes perfectly for a chibi if one does not know what series it is, congratulations Hasbro at least at last you did something that was worth buying for a price not as cheap as the other products of the line but better quality.
On the other hand some people have complained that the last playsets of the minis like the one of Juniper Montage have some defects in the painting, is reasonable because that mini is the one that has more colors until the moment and since much of the Equestria Girls minis de Hasbro are made by hand are likely to occur these errors in the high demand, Vietnam workers have very good quality for the finishes as these are why the minis look so good.
In some sixpacks I also found some details but that I will comment when I bought one and I think they will spend a couple of months until I recover from the minis I bought this month.