Well shit, let's not try and make a divisive character less divisive, let's just dump her and any freshness she may have brought to the table back outside and let's carry on with our Status Quo Is God shit instead!
I get it. Change is hard. But character development takes_*time._* Christ, it took Fluttershy 4 season to even learn how to be less of a doormat and she's adored by the fandom like she's the Dali Lama. Probably because again, Status Quo Is God.
This is why shit like 28 Pranks Later happens. Because everyone has a fucking fit at the slightest hint of change. I'm frank;y sick of hearing this shit. Starlight is here to stay. Accept it or fuck off. Simple.
The Glimglam Fan, Fam.
Well shit, let's not try and make a divisive character less divisive, let's just dump her and any freshness she may have brought to the table back outside and let's carry on with our Status Quo Is God shit instead!
I get it. Change is hard. But character development takes
This is why shit like 28 Pranks Later happens. Because everyone has a fucking fit at the slightest hint of change. I'm frank;y sick of hearing this shit. Starlight is here to stay.