Except Party Favor has been very consistently placed with Night Glider this season and there’s even a scene where they’re giving each other dreamy eyes at a table for two.
So yea, people should stop being silly and ship who they want to ship regardless of what the canon says.
Everypony’s yammering on what about Marble, what about Cheerilee, what about Fluttershy, etc.. No thought to the other stallions of Our Town at all. But I guess that’s appropriate. Party Favor is gay for Double Diamond, so they probably find shippers not being able to pair them with Sugar Belle any more a relief.
You know what would be funny? If they did this to give them a way to show of “Our Town” without involving Starlight Glimmer in future episodes. I mean they didn’t, but it would be amusing.
This episode in a nutshell: “I feel a disturbance on the internet, as if millions of shippers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.”
@I Was Never Here
I agree, but I’m just saying fans can still ‘ship, or imagine Big Mac with others if they want to, as well. They don’t need to get so upset over this episode, as even canon hasn’t stopped them from ‘shipping before, interpretating things/characters differently, and such before in fan works. They can ignore the episode if they wish.
Still, disregarding shipping, it was a good episode, and I’m glad they didn’t go the predictable route, and have popular fanon ship instead.
As much as I love MarbleMac (And I do. I really love MarbleMac), it was never going to work. They’re not delving into the semantics of incest in a kid’s show.
@I Was Never Here
To qoute @Background Pony #83CD
There’s a very vocal part of the fandom who act like entitled man-children who believe that the show should cater to their every demand.
@Beau Skunky
Again, who cares even if it’s regarded. Fanworks should never be considered canon and they should never feel that they have to hold themselves to the franchise they are inspired by.
@I Was Never Here
Troo, anything’s possible in fanon. Besides, the show probably won’t even regard SugarMac very often anyways. They also already did two wedding episodes, so I doubt they’ll do another.