Background Pony #6ED3
Inverse Alicorn dimension? Where Sombra will sing about blues?
> She’s constantly trying avoid slipping or relapsing back into her old self and also struggles with crippling self-confidence issues, questioning herself on more than one occasion about whether or not she is even capable of becoming a better pony.[/bq]
She's flipflopping all around the place. On one second she's all remorseful about her past, on other second, she's joking about it. Or seriously suggest to brainwash entire city. Or actually do it. On one second, she think that no one should trust her. On other second, she takes trust for granted and demand others to trust her more, without realizing that she has to earn it. She still can't make sense of that 'empathy' thing, and often abuse others with magic without realizing that it's abuse. She seems like to learn a lesson, but take it too narrow, only to specific individual cases. By now she knows that wiping out cutie marks by founding a cult is bad, she knows that trying to stop rainboom by time travel is bad, brainwashing friends is bad. But... she don't get a general picture. She WILL try to ask Starswirl something via the time travel, she WILL try to brainwash herself to try to become 'good', she WILL try to give Cutie Marks to blank flanks unnaturally.
> She’s constantly trying avoid slipping or relapsing back into her old self and also struggles with crippling self-confidence issues, questioning herself on more than one occasion about whether or not she is even capable of becoming a better pony.
She's flipflopping all around the place. On one second she's all remorseful about her past, on other second, she's joking about it. Or seriously suggest to brainwash entire city. Or actually do it. On one second, she think that no one should trust her. On other second, she takes trust for granted and demand others to trust her more, without realizing that she has to earn it. She still can't make sense of that 'empathy' thing, and often abuse others with magic without realizing that it's abuse. She seems like to learn a lesson, but take it too narrow, only to specific individual cases. By now she knows that wiping out cutie marks by founding a cult is bad, she knows that trying to stop rainboom by time travel is bad, brainwashing friends is bad. But... she don't get a general picture. She WILL try to ask Starswirl something via the time travel, she WILL try to brainwash herself to try to become 'good', she WILL try to give Cutie Marks to blank flanks unnaturally.