Starlight Glimmer: in a strange place “Hey! Where am I? Am I dead? No. Something. Else.”
Mysterious voice: “Hello, Starlight Glimmer.”
Starlight: hearing a voice inside her head “Who said that? Show yourself!”
Voice: “Don’t be alarmed, my girl. I’m an old non-physical friend of your mentor’s.”
Starlight: “Okay, weird disembodied voice in my head. Is this real or am I sleeping or unconscious?”
Voice: “Your soul has been summoned here for a purpose to help against the monsters that torture your friends.”
Starlight: “And what kind of purpose are you talking about? Also what monsters?”
Voice: “They are rage, brutal without mercy. But you, Starlight Glimmer. You will be worse. Rip and tear until the job is done.”
Starlight: wakes up from her coma and prepares for battle against hers and Equestria’s enemies such as Headcrabs, Barnacles, Houndeyes, Bullsquids, Zombies, Pinky Demons, Antlions, Cacodemons, Tekunin soldiers, Meaty Demons and even Cyber Demons “You will regret this, Demons!”
Mysterious voice: “Hello, Starlight Glimmer.”
Starlight: hearing a voice inside her head “Who said that? Show yourself!”
Voice: “Don’t be alarmed, my girl. I’m an old non-physical friend of your mentor’s.”
Starlight: “Okay, weird disembodied voice in my head. Is this real or am I sleeping or unconscious?”
Voice: “Your soul has been summoned here for a purpose to help against the monsters that torture your friends.”
Starlight: “And what kind of purpose are you talking about? Also what monsters?”
Voice: “They are rage, brutal without mercy. But you, Starlight Glimmer. You will be worse. Rip and tear until the job is done.”
Starlight: wakes up from her coma and prepares for battle against hers and Equestria’s enemies such as Headcrabs, Barnacles, Houndeyes, Bullsquids, Zombies, Pinky Demons, Antlions, Cacodemons, Tekunin soldiers, Meaty Demons and even Cyber Demons “You will regret this, Demons!”