A framed painting of Aryanne Hoofler as Dude #1 from the Hall Of Dudes from Battleblock Theater. Pictured are the traditional garb of the Dude as well as his stovepipe cylinder as a sign of his office and the power he excels over the prison theater. Seen in the background are his faithful enforcers, the dreaded catguards, as well as a statue of a duckshark, an uncommon carnivorous critter that lurks in the bowels of the institution. Since Dude #1 was the founder and first director of this establishment, he was most beloved by his subjects and is held in high regard to this very day. He gave the cat guards a place to live and a mighty purpose in life. After his passing his will to power was stored in his hat, which has been passed down to every new Dude ever since, so that they may rule over the island as Dude #1 had intended.