Yes! I’ve finally finished this, and I couldn’t have done it without the help of: , , , , , and everyone else who commented on the wip of this fusion. You guys are awesome! So here’s the lovely Technicolor Scratch, she’s the queen of dubstep and classical melodies. But when she combines the two, she can really put on a show! Instrument of choice: Electric Cello Fusions you may also like… (Sunset & Aria Fusion)… (Rainbow & Aria Fusion)… (Rarity & Sweetie Belle Fusion) Want to see more fusions? Click there –>… Credits Top bases belong to SelenaEde and bottom is a combo of SelenaEde’s and DashiePower ’sVinyl Scratch/DJ Pon3 and Octavia belong to HasbroTechnicolor Scratch belongs to me.