Clover waves a greeting, giving a cheery hello! She asks Silverwind how the rest of the ship is, and if everything is okay. She also explains excitedly that she’s helping out!
“It’s fine. Everything’s fine. Well, except Sabre’s muzzle, of course, but no leaks so far. Gosh, you’re all wet. Had a little romp in the weather, eh? You’re gonna catch a cold if you keep it up. But it’s good to hear you’re so eager to help, lil’ one.”
Clover asks if she can have a towel for Skillet. She’s all wet!
“Well sure! Here ya go.”
Silverwind floats the towel above Clover’s head, and with a dramatic flare, the filly reaches up with her hooves to grasp it.
DUH DUH DUH DUUUUH! Clover got a towel! It’ll dry a pony or two off. So exciting!
Clover drops the rope on the floor, exclaiming excitedly that she must go and give Skillet the soft towel. It’ll probably save her life from pneumonia!
“Well, what are you gonna do about the rop-”
Clover dashes off in a hurry, abandoning the captain with his ship.
“…Guess I’ll take it then.”
Clover stands in front of the door, listening in. Nothing to report; not a soul stirs! What should she do?
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