Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #5001 on image #1276582

Background Pony #5001
It's not just an opinion that there is no 'intentional shipping' in the content of these comics, it's a clear fact (once again, it's just friendship, there is no shipping involved in the content presented, and that's the intent, regardless of what shippers try/decide to see it as), and your own very personal, very subjective perspective on the matter of shipping doesn't change that.

You can imagine it however you want, frankly, but claiming that there's outright shipping in it, and intentional no less, is just ridiculous. The characters focused in these comics are quite clearly being presented as just friends, and while that shouldn't stop you from shipping them if you like to ship, it should stop you from making any completely unfounded claims of there being evidence of shipping or something else like that present. There clearly isn't.
But yes, I'll give more consideration to simply ignoring it regardless in the future, though that's certainly not to say that I'll never reply to such posts. I just need to take a break and rest, because I've been very stressed lately.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5001
Background Pony #5001
It's not just an opinion that there is no 'intentional shipping' in the content of these comics, it's a clear fact (once again, it's just friendship, there is no shipping involved in the content presented, and that's the intent, regardless of what shippers try/decide to see it as), and your own very personal, very subjective perspective on the matter of shipping doesn't change that.

But yes, I'll give more consideration to simply ignoring it regardless in the future, though that's certainly not to say that I'll never reply to such posts. I just need to take a break and rest.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5001
Background Pony #5001
It's not just an opinion that there is no 'intentional shipping' in the content of these comics, it's a clear fact (once again, it's just friendship, there is no shipping, and that's the intent, regardless of what shippers try to see it as), and your own very personal, very subjective perspective on the matter of shipping doesn't change that.

But yes, I'll give more consideration to simply ignoring it regardless in the future, though that's certainly not to say that I'll never reply to such posts. I just need to take a break and rest.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5001