Emerald starts grabbing books that catch his attention at random, a few on creatures here, a few of the pony magic books there… These include a book on creatures of the Zebra lands as well as an intermediate guide to casting pony magic.
Multiple times he passes the black shelf, and finally he decides to take a look at it’s contents. He isn’t going to touch anything of course, he just wants to look!
Much to Emerald’s annoyance, these books don’t have titles on them, and Emerald can’t imagine why. The only thing on the shelf that is a packed file labeled “misc. pages”. Though inspecting the books shows that many of them are… Quite odd. A lot of them are bound by what appears to be skin, and some of them rattle and whisper on the shelf. Still others seem to suck the light out of the area, or glow an unearthly pallor.
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