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Emerald watches as Alacris pours out some stew for the two of them, and only starts eating after he sees her down a few mouthfuls.
The soup is really quite good. It’s smooth and slightly sweet and tangy. It also has large chunks of carrot in it. Emerald doesn’t even liked cooked carrots that much, but this he enjoys.
Emerald asks about her master.
“Ah!” She says, putting down the soup excitedly “He’s~~!”
She then stops and looks at Emerald like she was trying to X-ray him, and then says,
“I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to say. Err… His name is Venator, and he is one of the greatest… Err… He’s… Great!”
Emerald, still a little suspicious asks what the deal with all the books about demons and dark magic were about.
“H-hey! You shouldn’t go reading Master’s books!” she then closes her eyes and motions her front hooves like she was pushing something aside, “That’s not the real problem here. Sorry. I know it looks suspicious, but once you meet Master Venator you’ll see why he has them.”
Emerald continues glaring, and Alacris notices.
“So um… Where you from? Why were you out here in the middle of no where? You from the castle?” She asks kindly.
The question causes Emerald to flinch slightly. He hopes she didn’t see that.
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