another advantage risque newspapers over digital porn viewers?
makeshift whacking devices (either people or the cockroach kind) XP
true on the computer-tv thing but the one who said they’re obsolete wants ALL tvs gone (he’s assuming everyone in the planet can afford mobile viewing devices) since it’s an ‘obsolete’ concept according to him.
Well then its a little more comparable. I mean, risque newspapers probably cost a few bucks. So it’s easier for people who can’t buy computers/tablets/smart phones to purchase those. But TV costs are more comparable to super cheep computers. (And IMO a computer is probably more useful than a TV.) So it might make more sense to save up a little more and purchase a computer rather than a TV.
Although, TVs can get free over-the-air content, whereas internet usually ain’t free. So the comparison between TVs and computers isn’t quite as simple as I’m making it out to be…
I always find the idea of physical/printed risque material being sold in this day-and-age kinda surprising. I mean, in lieu of the internet where there’s unlimited free explicit material, how does this sort of stuff still actually sell? XD
That’s what the Daily Star is as well. I’m sure most times I’m in the shop I just see it with some half naked girl on the cover and the other papers have news that is actually front page worthy.
it becomes unhealthy when the collection becomes top priority over almost everything else.
i know of a story about a local collector whose family got in financial trouble (enough for him to ask for investors) but not enough for him to sell his collection to help out (it probably wouldn’t have done any good but it’s the gesture that counts).
He spends £12K on ponies, who cares really? Even before the whole brony thing happened, people were still spending a shit lot of money on G1/G2/G3 toys. If this guy wants to spend his money on ponies, then that’s his decision.
There is a difference between collecting things and obsessing over them. The same difference between someone who enjoys a drink once in a while and an alcoholic.
based on my experience in local toy conventions, a display case full of ecchi figs (from a group specifically dealing with that) is more in ‘theme’ with the convention than a MLP one (sure there are MLPFiM vendors and booths but they really stick out.
then again the group just probably has the connections and money (most of the stuff they show almost NEVER gets a local release) so it just appears that they have some ‘credibility’.
on the other hand they could say “hey at least OUR stuff is HUMAN (though not realistic humans)”