Background Pony #D766
Pipp Petals: Jazz, are you seeing this?
Jazz Hooves: Yeah, I guess ponies really want to remember their time here.
Pipp Petals: We’ll sell out of these treatments by the end of the week if this keeps up! We’re hitting our stride!
Butler: AND we’ll be able to cover all our pending litigation liabilities!
Jazz Hooves: Well, ponies did like our hooficures before.
Pipp Petals: I know, but not like this!
Butler: I can’t remember the last time ponies stood in line at Mane Melody AND inside this salon for THIS long for a hooficure! It’s almost sundown by now!
Pipp Petals: The word of mouth is going to be incredible!
Butler: And soon enough, our merchandise will be broadcasted to the entire Equestrian population through digital billboards, online ads and sponsorship posters!
Hmm, we might even add golden scratch-n-sniff lottery tickets to promote our new brand even further!