This thread is also for discussion, not posting garbage to see what catches fire. Shitposting, baiting, and the like will be treated rather harshly.
Do not “blind link”; if you link to an external source, include a summary of its contents, especially if linking to a long video or audio clip.
Recently we’ve been seeing more and more posts that are just a link to something do seem to very much be baiting, basically anon posters trying to get people to respond to something, or posting something alarmist here to see how this site will respond, or to try to get something lolcows worthy for sharing on some other site. And in a lot of cases, the anon poster isn’t doing anything else here - they aren’t participating in any discussions, or aren’t using the site in any other way. They just come to this thread and post a link to something someone said or a meme. Maybe they hang around to see what others say, maybe they don’t.
If we delete those posts but leave a similar post by someone who is an actual user here, someone who participates in discussions, etc, then the moderation looks uneven or unfair, because we’re treating one group of users (purely anons) differently from other groups (actual users coincidentally posting anon).
So, if you are a regular user and find that your link to something else that you didn’t really talk about gets deleted for Rule #6, it’s not personal. Just talk about what you want to share here, instead of just posting something for others to respond to.