CODENAME: Supernova
SUBJECT: Princess Celestia
The despotic, yet benevolent ruler of a land inhabited by magic ponies, known as Equestria. Her exact age is unknown, but she is at least one millenium old. She rules with such terror that even nature itself bows down to her. She appears to control the Equestrian system’s central star, a Sol-like G2V-class main sequence star. She appears to have a keen intellect and tactical mind, capable of outwitting many foes.
Even with this, she is not invulnerable. A proper contingency plan focuses on outwitting and then overpowering her. Lessons learned from fighting magic users like Zatanna will be in play. I will use the new Jesus Batsuit, granting me extraordinary abilities. The combat zone, to which she must be led unaware, must have as many variables as possible, which are solely under my control, if that. Due to the potential for third-party interference, she must be alone.
Rapid, unpredictable attacks will be in play. The main target on her body will be the horn, through which her abilities manifest. Once vulnerable, she must quickly be subdued or killed. Magic supression fields will be in use to render her temporarily vulnerable. If she cannot be killed, the Phantom Zone Projector will be used to send her to the Phantom Zone, from which escape is impossible, and her powers are useless.