@Background Pony #26D7
Yeah, in the GameCube days Nintendo collaborated a bit with EA. They even had “Mac” from Super Punch-Out in a boxing game, with the SNES game as an unlockable.
They don’t seem to collaborate much anymore, especially after during the WiiU era former president of EA Sports Bob Summerwhil infamously bashed Nintendo and Nintendo fans saying they were “bad revenue for third-parties,” and “Nintendo users only buy Mario and Zelda.”
Needless to say many gamers felt insulted at those remarks.
(Both are actually untrue even back then if you look at monthly best seller lists on Nintendo systems and portables. Even on the eShop many best sellers are third party games even beating some first party ones.)
I understand criticizing Nintendo, but honestly bashing a potential customer base is kinda bad business.
I may be partial to Nintendo, but I do like more than Mario and Zelda.