Geez, my family is in some turmoil right now.
My mother and sister kinda sprung on my brother some months ago the prospect of moving him out to Miami to get a job with my sister in a restaurant, and he was made to leave before he could put up much fuss. For the past couple months, it’s been real hell for him, since it’s his first job and my sister is kinda ‘free-spirited’ so there’s no real discipline in his schedules, leading to real bouts with tiredness and trying to get his hours cut back.
But the biggest problems is that my brother doesn’t have any friends over there. He has plenty here, whom he wants to come back and hang out with, but my sister and mother are adamant he should just go out and make new friends. And even I, with a history of friendlessness, know how much bs that is.
So they don’t want him to come back here, because the job market is so bad, such that it took me two years to get the one I have now, which is part time and in overnight stocking, and they don’t really care about his feelings regarding his friends, citing the excuse that his friends ‘won’t take care of him’ and ‘won’t get him a job’, even saying this entire garbage is about getting him to grow up.
My brother even comes up with excuses of his own, that he wants to come back to help us with our money issues which I’m fairly certain we have, but not to the point him coming back would help.
It sucks.