No, no it doesn’t. It’s not a “vocal bunch of bitchy twatles” that make me angry, it’s their egregious hypocrisy that makes me angry. I don’t care what people are fans of, but I
do care when said fans bash either other fandoms, or other things people are fans of that
they themselves are guilty of! Case-in-point: Nintendo fans bashing CoD and CoD fans for liking the same product being re-released year-after-year, even though they themselves are guilty of that.
Like what you like, but don’t accuse others of what can easily be accused of yourself, that’s why tend to be critical of Nintendo fans, as they will accuse others of things that equally can apply to themselves. This isn’t just Nintendo fans I’m critical in this regard, but a lot of other fandoms as well. I tend to focus on Nintendo more due to cultural factors than any others (Nintendos are rare here, thus Nintendo fandom isn’t well understood in my neck of the woods.)