This does seem to raise the question of whether this Twirek Avatar(C) can just suck everypone in the room dry here & now, or whether it still lacks the reserves to process that much mojo.
He’s out in the open, but a being of pure magic. If they don’t have a way to counter that, they can just stick him back in Rainbow Dash, then tie her up and shove her in a cramped closet.
Because before Rarity did anything, he was just trapped in Rainbow Dash’s head; this is because Tirek’s current “true form” is as a being of pure magic.
Since they didn’t bother restraining either of Tirek’s prior hosts, that still leaves the distinct possibility of Dash or Redheart playing ‘possum, then whipping out the centaur-TK mojo when it’s least convenient for Our Heroines. ‘Least he’s finally out in the open here.
Not to mention: “put it back” where? Twiley’s frontal lobe? Somepone even less prepared for demontaur possession? ‘Cause that’s been going swimmingly. Some B/C combo where the less combat-effective pones (e.g. Non-Possessed Redheart) hit the deck might be optimal…that or D for ‘call Discord’s patchwork butt back here and see if he & Twirek cancel each other out’.
Incidentally, apologies for borking the deduplicate merge request on this pic.
@Background Pony #6E98
It’s not “defensive”, it’s just “irritable” with regards to seeing a comment based around a design being “edgy” at this point, when it’s just a Twirek-design.
Well a battle-plan isn’t one of the options! You attack immediately, or you hide, or you try to put that demon-magic-thing back.
That’ll teach me to forget the S-word’s multitude of contexts.
Hey, it’s not that kind of comi-Ohhhh you mean magical ESSEEENCE…
This does seem to raise the question of whether this Twirek Avatar(C) can just suck everypone in the room dry here & now, or whether it still lacks the reserves to process that much mojo.
He’s out in the open, but a being of pure magic. If they don’t have a way to counter that, they can just stick him back in Rainbow Dash, then tie her up and shove her in a cramped closet.
Because before Rarity did anything, he was just trapped in Rainbow Dash’s head; this is because Tirek’s current “true form” is as a being of pure magic.
Since they didn’t bother restraining either of Tirek’s prior hosts, that still leaves the distinct possibility of Dash or Redheart playing ‘possum, then whipping out the centaur-TK mojo when it’s least convenient for Our Heroines. ‘Least he’s finally out in the open here.
Actually, it’s grant him those while keeping him unconscious.
… For now, anyways.
Then they’d ‘just’ be dealing with Possessed Greedhulk Spike again.
I kind of wished Spike turned into the beam to take it himself.
Thus granting Centaur Satan ‘awesomeness’ and technicolor shockwaves (again). Foolproof gambit!
A is meant to actually put it back in Rainbow Dash, who it was extracted from.
Not to mention: “put it back” where? Twiley’s frontal lobe? Somepone even less prepared for demontaur possession? ‘Cause that’s been going swimmingly. Some B/C combo where the less combat-effective pones (e.g. Non-Possessed Redheart) hit the deck might be optimal…that or D for ‘call Discord’s patchwork butt back here and see if he & Twirek cancel each other out’.
Incidentally, apologies for borking the deduplicate merge request on this pic.
It’s not “defensive”, it’s just “irritable” with regards to seeing a comment based around a design being “edgy” at this point, when it’s just a Twirek-design.
Well a battle-plan isn’t one of the options! You attack immediately, or you hide, or you try to put that demon-magic-thing back.
Emphasis on “try”.
Keep your comments at or below the image rating and if you’re going to exceed them, spoiler the comment before posting.
Edited because: Rule #7
Why so defensive?