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Background Pony #BB81
Satan: “Gentlemen.”
[Demon Sunset Shimmer, Demon Sunrise Glare, Princess Midnight Sparkle, Demon Snails, Aku, Scorpion, Spider Mastermind, Nightmare Rarity, Demon Snips, Shadow Devil Venjix, Noob Saibot, Gaia Everfree, The Horseless Headless Horsemann, Daybreaker, Christine, Jason Voorhees, Nightmare Moon, Pennywise, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, Pony of Shadows, Master Pandemonium, King Sombra, Predator, The Fazbear Crew, Alien and even the Elements of Insanity play the “Robot Hell” song from “Futurama”]
Spike (Twilight Sparkle’s older bipedal Dragon Knight): “Aww crap! Singing! Mind if I smoke?” tries to smoke a cigar but it gets stolen by Flutterbat
Satan: “Cigars are evil, you won’t miss them, we’ll find ways to simulate that smell, what a sorry fella! Rolled up and smoked like a collicella, here on level one of Pony Hell.” “Gambling’s wrong and so is cheating, so is forging phony I.O.U.’s, let’s let Lady Luck decide what type of torture’s justified, I’m pit force here on level two!”
Princess Midnight Sparkle: pulls down the lever on the side of a spinning machine and the spin lands on three “Deep-Fry” icons “Ooh, deep-fried dragon!”
Spike: “Just tell me why!” gets his face dunked into sizzling oil by Jason Voorhees and Rarifruit who are holding the horns on his helmet
Satan: watching “Please read this fifty-five page warrant.”
Spike: reveals his entire head completely skeletal when he was young “There must be dragons worse than I!”
Satan: “We checked around, there really aren’t.”
Spike: (with his skin, helmet and scales back into existence) “Then please let me explain, my crimes were merely boyish pranks.”
Satan: “You stole from colt scouts, nuns and banks!”
Spike: “Aw, don’t blame me, blame my upbringing!”
Satan: “Please stop singing while I’m singing! Selling bootleg tapes is wrong, musicians need that income to survive.”
Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk: (reduced to severed heads and also male versions of themselves) “Hey, Spike gonna make some noise! With your helmet scratched by the Dazzling Boys!” (Record scratching sounds) “That’s what-cha what-cha what-cha get on Level Five!”
Flash Sentry: driving his car all over Pony Hell “I don’t feel well!”
Starlight Glimmer: sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle “It’s up to us to rescue him.”
Flash: “Maybe he likes it here in hell?”
Starlight: “It’s us who tempted him to sin.”
Flash: “Maybe he’s back at the motel?”
Starlight: “Come on, Flash, don’t be scared! I’m sure at least one of us will be spared, so sit back and enjoy the ride.”
Flash: “My ass gets blisters when we slide!” he and Starlight drive into a creepy skull-faced tunnel for presumably a shortcut
Satan: still singing “Fencing diamonds, fixing cat-fights, publishing indecent magazines. You’ll pay for every crime! Knee-deep in nitrogen slime! You’ll suffer ‘till you’re out of time, enduring tortures, most of which rhyme, TRAPPED FOREVER, HERE IN PONY HELL!”
The song ends with an image of Ponyville suffering a nuclear explosion (similar to Judgement Day) shown on a massive TV screen in the background
Background Pony #4157
it a cartoon im using my mom computer how did the games get on the computer im wear a t shirt short and shoes i look like this world wear in is a crule place in
Background Pony #4157
@imabrony99 shawdowninja25  
anime freeks nead to get a life look at real things im not form dethkolk im form mine craft mlp is not real
Background Pony #4157
it hell they try to make me a bodygard it doe not work on me cartoon suck get life i have to deal with my mom in the real world can desktop poines be change shimmer demon is nice lemon is nice zap is nice
Why Am I Still Here?
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Brown Privileged
MLP’s message to little girls.
Hell, I’m surprised no parent has made a complaint about EqG supposedly trying to get they’re kids to worship the devil.
Background Pony #15AF
My little Hellspawn!
My little Hellspawn!