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Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 10

Background Pony #8EF8
Deputy Mare: If somepony were to offer you a priceless gem for free with no questions asked, wouldn’t you be at LEAST suspicious? Unless he is one of those charity givers, I would’ve question the merchant right on the spot, and possibly even trail behind him to see what his endgame is…
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 9

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Hitch Trailblazer: But what does it do?
Sunny Starscout: No idea. It’s just pretty, I think.
Deputy Mare: WELL, I’m certainly not the type of pony who specializes in jewellry, other than recovering it back from robbers, pickpocketers and smugglers!
Why not just take it to a gem dealer to examine its authenticity?
Sunny Starscout: No idea. It’s just pretty, I think. It’s more about what the Breezie said. “Nopony is alone who has friends.”
Hitch Trailblazer: Hmmm…
Deputy Mare: BAH, you’re thinking WAY too hard on this! My new alternative theory says that this Breezie probably didn’t have the time to pawn it off, so he thought it would be best to pass it off to the nearest pony in order to avoid getting caught!
How is that a more likely theory?
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 8

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 7

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 6

Background Pony #8EF8
Hitch Trailblazer: You betcha! And if you see Sparky outside, would ya tell him to scoot his boot on in here?
Zipp Storm: We will!
Sparky Sparkeroni: [panting]
Inspector Mare: OH LOOK! Speak of the Discord! SPARKY, get your scaly hiney back to the station, pronto! Your daddy and auntie needs you back for playtime!
Deputy Mare: I’m NOT his auntie! I’m his fitness trainer! Nothing more and nothing less! Just because I’m letting him stay as a temporary resident doesn’t mean we’re exactly buddy-buddies!
Hitch Trailblazer: Ah! [laughs after Sparky tackles him to the ground]
Deputy Mare: ALL RIGHT, apparently speed runs and timed courses aren’t exactly in your wheelhouse! How’s about I teach you a bit of boxing then, rookie?
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 5

Background Pony #8EF8
Zipp Storm: Hitch, you’re great at puzzles. What do you think these are? We think they might be pieces of a map.
Hitch Trailblazer: Huh. Nothing I recognize. But I can look through the old station archives to see if it looks like any of the maps in there.
Deputy Mare: I’ll also visit the local cartography shop to see if they also kept any old maps that can be easily cross-referenced with that parchment…
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 4

Background Pony #8EF8
Hitch Trailblazer: But what does it do?
Sunny Starscout: No idea. It’s just pretty, I think.
Deputy Mare: WELL, I’m certainly not the type of pony who specializes in jewellry, other than recovering it back from robbers, pickpocketers and smugglers!
Why not just take it to a gem dealer to examine its authenticity?
Sunny Starscout: No idea. It’s just pretty, I think. It’s more about what the Breezie said. “Nopony is alone who has friends.”
Hitch Trailblazer: Hmmm…
Deputy Mare: BAH, you’re thinking WAY too hard on this! My new alternative theory says that this Breezie probably didn’t have the time to pawn it off, so he thought it would be best to pass it off to the nearest pony in order to avoid getting caught!
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 3

Background Pony #8EF8
Hitch Trailblazer: That’s what I said. So, what’s new?
Sunny Starscout: We’re investigating a mystery, and we found another mystery. A Breezie just randomly gave me this ancient locket. Cool, huh?
Hitch Trailblazer: Very cool.
Deputy Mare: Did the merchant say anything about that locket being stolen??
Professor: I beg your pardon???
Deputy Mare: Look at the cracks! It’s obvious whoever sold you this must’ve accidentally dropped this while snagging it off from somepony, before trying to fence it off to the nearest nicest pony in the market!
Professor: There’s one problem with your theory. He NEVER asked for something back in exchange! If he was an actual fencer, then why not find the nearest pony pawnshop to sell it for a huge bag of bits, other than the fact that it would be too hard to carry back home alone?
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 2

Background Pony #8EF8
Hitch Trailblazer: Hey! You’re just in time to see Sparky fail his safety drill with flying colors!
Inspector Mare: Yes, it has seem that your new police recruit-in-training has successfully taken down all the traffic cones that has recently invaded your station!
Deputy Mare: Oh ha ha ha. Are you actually there on official business or did you just came here to roast us like fat pigasuses in warm blankets?
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Post 1

Background Pony #8EF8
Hitch Trailblazer: And… GO!
Deputy Mare: GO GO GO!!! EVERYPONY to battle stations! Opaline has returned!!
Sparky Sparkeroni: [panting]
[Sparky knocks down safety cones]
Hitch Trailblazer: Typical Sparky. Why even put the cones down, Hitch, you silly safety stickler?
Deputy Mare: Perhaps I should glue some nails and railroad spikes onto these cones, just to harden up his training a little bit. Not all of our future enemies will be motionless plastic cones, no doubt…
Posted Report

Roleplaying » MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (B-ii): Sunny and Zipp heads back to Maretime Bay » Topic Opener

Background Pony #8EF8
Hitch Trailblazer: Speed run! How fast can you get out of a station? Like we practiced.
Deputy Mare: OKAY, Sparky! If you’re going to stay here as our official police member of Maretime Bay, we need to train you in case you ever get dragon-napped and trafficked by any potential black-market smugglers willing to sell you off for a quick money bag!
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgling as he taps his helmet]
Hitch Trailblazer: You can never be too safe, my tiny buddy.
Deputy Mare: My stopwatch is ready! If you can escape this station under 30 seconds, we will promote you from mascot to deputy recruit!
Posted Report

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