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Thank you a lot for all the information I’ll definitely talk to my boyfriend and check these out, it still looks very decent and that really is an affordable price, the back forelegs thingy is a shame though but it’s understandable hehe , cheers ^^
4DE sells them for a reasonable prize and they are decent quality… maybe not as good as most of the ones made by people from the fandom, but not bad
But… it takes ages for it to arrive once you order
Took over 3 months for me, and I think I was lucky
Plus they are only 10.5”, which, you may or may not want a bigger one than that
And they are still about 35 dollars once you add shipping
Also the back 2 legs seem to be permanently spread apart… I think they tucked the tail between the legs to make it easier to ship and it permanently messed up the plushie :(
From Artist’s description: “rainbow dash is $400 plus shipping. which is either $18 for US or about $45 for international”
Most high quality 16” plushies are about 300-400 dollars