After losing both her parents and two aunts, poor Scootaloo’s life had been a misery. Despite having her friends (Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle) as having a sister figure (Rainbow Dash), the filly longed for some loving and supportive parents. Fortunately, her life would change for the better when she met Rainbow’s Parents (Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles). They started off as just friends at first, however, about three months later, Scootaloo opened up to Bow and Windy and told them all about her sad life. Feeling sorry for the little filly, Rainbow’s parents decided to adopt Scootaloo and make her their 2nd daughter (Much to both Rainbow and Scootaloo’s delight). And here we are with Scootaloo and her new family. Plus Scootaloo has been given a special jacket and Windy has dyed her mane and tail.
Note: The events of Season 8 and 9 are non-cannon.