Sunshine was an easy to please pony.
Large open meadows, tasty apples, nice scratches and she was your gal. Like many ponies, Sunshine was content with living the rest of her days in this comfort. Happy with the sun shining on her back, the wind flowing through her mane and watching the little purple sprite jump around the flowers.
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… I don’t remember coming up with this idea, or even sketching it out, but we are all just going to have to sit here and watch.
If I remember correctly, the main six are forest sprites. At the edge of their territory is a horse farm. The six like to play tricks on the humans in their own little ways but seem enamoured with the horses and ponies on Equestria Ranch.
Obviously these two here are Celestia and Twilight.
It’s kinda fun to draw, if you wanna see more of this then please say and if you’d like to see anyone in particular, shoot…
Hey, I’m also back, turns out working on an animation series eats up just all of my time,,,,,,, Soooooo go support
Gamma Girl and Friends