Borg said:
Suggestively ask Sassaflash whether she’s really sure she doesn’t want to know.
Then talk to our friend the professional diver about the reversing water wheel; it is curious.
Joining Sea Swirl in her mischievous ways, you suggestively ask Sassaflash if she’s sure about not wanting to know. After all, it is a very special ring!
Sassaflash: “Oh, I’m sure. When Sea Swirl gives me that look, it can’t mean anything good.”
Sea Swirl: “No, no, you got it all wrong! It always means something good.”
Sassaflash: “Uh huh. You know, the last time she did it was when she brought me a very expensive souvenir from her latest trip to the west coast. Can you guess what it was? Here’s a hint: it’s as big as I am, and it’s got eight weird squishy legs.”
Sea Swirl: “It was a beautiful token of my undying love—!”
Sassaflash: “It was a giant stuffed octopus. And it moved on its own!”
Sea Swirl: “Of course it moves; it’s supposed to give traditional Kirinese deep tissue massages. You’re welcome!”
Sassaflash facehoofs, and you all have a good chuckle. Then, when you sense a lull in the conversation, you decide to change the subject, and ask the unicorn if she knows anything about the river nearby.
Sea Swirl: “I can’t say I’ve heard anything about it. Why do you ask?”
You tell the unicorn that you thought you saw the watermill’s wheel change direction earlier, and was wondering whether or not to be concerned.
Sea Swirl: “Are you sure? Rivers don’t usually change course like that. Why don’t we check it out?”
With the group’s curiosity piqued, you walk westward to the watermill. On your way there, the shadow of a passing cloud briefly softens the warm sunshine, and a gentle breeze heralds the chill of the coming night.
As you arrive, you find the water wheel turning in the direction of the lake, and decide to observe it for a while. You continue to chat about this and that for a few minutes, until the wheel suddenly begins to slow down again.
Apple Basket: “… and that’s why crunchier apples make for better apple pie. Oh, look! It’s happening again.”
You watch as the large wooden wheel briefly comes to a stop, then starts to turn in the direction of the forest, while Sea Swirl dips a hoof in the stream to gauge the current.
Sea Swirl: “Hey, you were right! And it’s not just the wheel, either. I wonder what’s up with that.”
Sassaflash: “Well, it looks like the water is coming from — or… is now going to — the Everfree Forest. If you ask me, whatever’s going on in there is probably best left unknown.”
Sea Swirl: “Good point! Still, I’m curious now, too. It seems to happen often enough to be noticeable, so somepony in town might have a clue. If you ever figure it out, let me know, huh?”